Only allowed special characters in the file name are '.' , '_' and '-' with no space. Files with duplicate name will result in error.

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User Instructions

Input format

All the inputs should follow the standard bed file format without any header. An example provided below.

chr1  213941196  213942363
chr1  213942363  213943530
chr1  213943530  213944697
chr2  158364697  158365864
chr2  158365864  158367031


If you are using BedSect cite the following article.

Bedsect: An integrated web server application to perform intersection, visualization and functional annotation of genomic regions from multiple datasets; Gyan Prakash Mishra, Arup Ghosh, Atimukta Jha, Sunil Kumar Raghav; Front. Genet.; doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.00003

For further reference visit Help & FAQs page.

Analysis Parameters

  • To get a copy of analysis report fill email id field.
  • Select a genome build for GREAT analysis and visualization in UCSC Genome Browser.

  • Test dataset and demo sessions

    Following are two session with the test dataset.

    Access demo sessions:

    With Genome    Without Genome   

    Download test datasets: Download

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